If you want to start making sourdough bread, you need to master feeding your sourdough starter. A healthy, active starter is the heart of any sourdough bread recipe, lending its unique flavor and leavening power to each loaf.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the step-by-step process of feeding your sourdough starter to ensure it thrives and produces delicious bread every time.
Understanding Your Sourdough Starter:
Before we dive into the feeding process, let's take a moment to understand the basics of a sourdough starter. Essentially, a sourdough starter is a mixture of flour and water that has been fermented by wild yeast and bacteria. These microorganisms create the characteristic flavor and rise of sourdough bread through the process of fermentation.
Step-by-Step Guide to Feeding Your Sourdough Starter:
1. Mix Your Starter:
- Start by combining equal parts tepid (room temperature) water and flour in a clean container. The sourdough starter kit has everything you need.
- Stir vigorously to incorporate air into the mixture, which helps activate the fermentation process.
2. Set Your Starter:
- Cover the starter loosely with a clean cloth or plastic lid.
- Place it in a warm area of your kitchen, ideally between 70°F to 85°F, to encourage fermentation.
- Allow the starter to ferment undisturbed for 12 to 18 hours, or until it becomes bubbly and active.
3. Feed Your Starter:
- After the initial fermentation period, discard a portion of the starter (all but a small amount) to make room for fresh flour and water.
- Add equal parts water and flour to the remaining starter and mix well.
- Cover and return the starter to its warm spot for another 12 hours.
- Repeat this feeding process every 12 hours until your starter becomes lively and bubbly.
4. Discard and Repeat:
- As your starter becomes more active, continue to discard a portion of it before each feeding to maintain a manageable size.
- Repeat the feeding process every 12 hours, discarding and replenishing the starter as needed, until it is consistently bubbly and active.
5. Store Your Starter:
- Once your starter is consistently active, you can store it in the refrigerator between feedings.
- Feed your starter a couple of times to ensure it's well-fed and healthy before refrigerating.
- Your starter can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a week between feedings, making it convenient for regular baking.
Feeding your sourdough starter is a simple step - don’t let this hold you back from making THE most healthy bread choice for your family. By following these step-by-step instructions, you'll be able to maintain a healthy and active starter that will produce delicious bread for years to come. So roll up your sleeves, dust off your apron, and get ready to enjoy the wonderful world of sourdough baking!
Happy baking!